a person looks sad while holding a baby and wondering how long does postpartum depression last

Postpartum Depression: How Long Does It Last and How to Get Help?

How long does postpartum depression last? Many new mothers will feel some form of depression after giving birth. As your body returns to normal, the chemical imbalance can cause mild to severe depression that lasts six months up to a year or longer. Several factors will determine how severe symptoms will be, including if this…

a person hikes to show outdoor activities to fight depression

Outdoor Activities to Fight Depression

Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of individuals each year. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, 39.8% of Pennsylvanian adults struggled with depression in 20211. While the best way to treat depression is by talking with a therapist, there are several outdoor activities to fight depression that you can…

a person sits outside in a park performing self calming exercises for anxiety

5 Self-Calming Exercises for Anxiety

Anxiety is a common mental health disorder affecting millions of individuals across the U.S. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, over 1.8 million individuals in Pennsylvania struggle with anxiety, depression, or other mental health disorders. While there is no single cure-all pill, many people learn how to live with their anxiety after enrolling…

a person sits on a yoga mat with their arms around their knees looking at peace showing natural remedies for anxiety

Are There Natural Remedies for Anxiety?

Anxiety is a complex mental health disorder that affects millions of people all across the country. While some anxiety is healthy, individuals with anxiety disorders can experience intense and overwhelming feelings they cannot control. Finding natural remedies for anxiety is possible when you work with a therapist to understand and identify the type of anxiety…

a person smiles happily outside after the impact of dual diagnosis

3 Positive Impacts from Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Dual diagnosis treatment is a powerful solution for those suffering from both substance use disorder and mental health disorders. By treating both conditions simultaneously, individuals can experience numerous positive outcomes that impact their lives in many ways. Here are three of the most impactful benefits of a dual diagnosis treatment program. What Is Dual Diagnosis?…

a person sits on the couch and looks out the window learning about coping with seasonal depression

3 Strategies for Coping With Seasonal Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders affecting millions yearly. During the fall and winter months, some people may experience seasonal depression due to the lack of sun and staying inside more. Coping with seasonal depression is possible when you develop healthy coping mechanisms for depression through an accredited mental health treatment…

a motherly figure comforts a person who looks distressed as they wonder what causes personality disorder

What Causes a Personality Disorder?

What causes personality disorders? Many internal and external factors can cause a personality disorder, including genetics, family history, and peer pressure. It causes people to experience difficulties perceiving and relating to other people and new situations and can disrupt everyday life. If you suspect a friend or loved one is struggling with a personality disorder,…

a silhouette of a person sitting on a bed framed by a large window streaming light while wondering what causes bipolar disorder

What Causes Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorders are a common mental health disorder affecting over 40 million people in the US yearly. What causes bipolar disorder differs for each person and depends on their genetics, family history, and other factors, including substance abuse and certain medical conditions. Bipolar disorder includes manic and depressive episodes that can cause significant problems at…