Treatment options for anxiety disorders include both medication and psychotherapy. Effective plans are customized to meet the unique needs of each person. For comprehensive mental health treatment in Pennsylvania, turn to Arkview Recovery. We specialize in the treatment of all types of anxiety disorders. No matter where you live in the Keystone State, our centralized location provides ready access to expert care.
Learn more about our anxiety treatment center by calling 717.744.0756.

Woman in Anxiety Treatment in Mechanicsburg PA

Anxiety Treatment Center Programming in PA

There are many different types of anxiety disorders. However, specific conditions in this category include:

  • Panic disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Agoraphobia
  • Other specific phobias
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Separation anxiety disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, was once grouped with anxiety disorders. It is now included in its own separate illness category.

Medications Used in Our Pennsylvania Anxiety Treatment Center

Medications are used to ease the symptoms of anxiety disorders. There are three main types of these treatments: anxiolytics, antidepressants, and beta-blockers.


Most anxiolytics are sedatives or tranquilizers. They work by creating a calming effect. Medications of this type are used to treat panic disorder. They are also used to treat generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder. You may only receive an anxiolytic as a short-term treatment.


It might seem strange that antidepressants are used to treat anxiety. However, these medications can also help relieve anxiety symptoms. You may receive an antidepressant as a treatment for a variety of conditions. Be aware that it may take a while for these medications to work. However, most of them can be used for longer amounts of time than anxiolytics.


Beta-blockers are high blood pressure medications. They may also provide short treatment for certain anxiety disorders. That includes panic disorder. It also includes a form of social anxiety disorder called performance anxiety.

Types of Therapy Used in Our Anxiety Treatment Center

The most common therapy for anxiety disorders is cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT. CBT works by helping you do two things. First, it helps you understand how your thoughts, emotions, and actions can make anxiety worse. Second, it also shows you how to develop new patterns that reduce your anxiety.

If you have a phobia disorder, your plan may include a type of CBT called exposure therapy. This therapy helps reduce your fear and anxiety levels. It does so by gradually exposing you to objects or situations linked to your phobia. Over time, this exposure lowers your sensitivity and helps you feel less reactive.
Several other treatments may form part of your anxiety treatment. Potential options include:

  • Family Therapy Program
  • EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)
  • IPT (interpersonal therapy)
  • ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy)

Your Individualized Treatment Plan

Most anxiety treatment plans include both medication and therapy. Each plan is personalized. This means that your treatment may differ from that of others with the same disorder. For example, you may receive different medications. You may also receive a different kind of therapy. Many plans include more than one medication, as well as more than one therapy option.

Begin to Heal with Arkview Recovery’s Anxiety Treatment Center

To learn more about anxiety treatment in Pennsylvania, contact the mental health specialists at Arkview Recovery. We’ll help you find the right Mental health treatment options for your specific condition. We’ll also support your recovery with a fully customized approach to care. Call us today at 717.744.0756 or if you prefer, fill out our convenient online form.